We're dedicated to finding new ways, and continuing in our current ways, of being as green a manufacturer as we can be. West Central Manufacturing is committed to producing high quality products that have a low impact on the environment..
West Central Manufacturing meets LEED requirements 1 and 2 for recycled steel content. Our steel is sourced from Metal West out of Denver CO or Missouri Valley Steel of Sioux City, IA a div. of Owen Industries. Both sources meet the LEED 1 and 2 requirements for both post and pre-consumer scrap.
Both US Steel and USS Posco reference the recycle steel institute.
For the LEED 500 mile credit figure mileage from Rapid City SD 57701
Metal West provides us with steel from USS Posco
==> View Uss Posco information on Recycled Content
Missouri Valley Steel provides us with steel from US Steel
==> View US Steel LEED Information
Upon request West Central Manufacturing can source its steel from Nucor Steel, producing products with over 64% recycled content.
==> View NUCOR Steel's information on Recycled Content
ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
West Central Mfg. is glad to see the the United States Government stand behind its manufacturers. West Central Mfg. qualifies for and is a member of the ARRA.
==> View West Central Mfg.'s ARRA Certification Letter
Small Business Administration
West Central Mfg. is also registered with the SBA. Registration information is available upon request.